Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

* -sr 4 ,.:. . -ï- == The Contents of the threeSermons on the Sacra- ment of the Lords Supper. TIie rnaineand principal) priviledgethat tree have by lefus Chrift,ra Eternal/ lift. p.265 The drift of S. Iohns writing ire that beleevers might know,they haveEternal' life, p.266 Another ereat priviledge that wehave6y Chrift, ns,anafarance tobe beardinourprayers, p,67 ynleffc a m:1,0be in Chrìfi, benlay not apply unto himfelfe any ofthfe twopriviledges. ib. Except we be inCkrift, we have nothing todoe to meddlewith thfe holy myfleries,or Symbols of the loveandfavortrofGod inChrift. p.267 Everyone thatcornes tothe Lords Table, ought to examine himfetfeconcerning two things.p. a 68 Rules to examineourfelves,andfende whetherwee be inCbrigor no. ib. .1 double elmug paf in thof that are in chrift ; ofie moopart,another on drip. p.269 Foure things ta be conJdered, in the acI on oar part. ib. Every man naturally (ekes font excellency or other p.270)271. To