Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheContents. Toexcell ingrec e andholincffe; tohaveourfinfull loftsmortified, is that excellent thingChriflians fhould andough; to defire, Tabourfar.272, 273 To ¡ eepe Gods Lares and cornrmandements, is the wífedome ofGodspeople. 274 How aman may know, whether bee reckonChrit hischiefetreafure. 275,276 Thecreatures that were once exceedinggood, are now through mans finne, become all vanity and vexationoffpirit. 2 mangoadbeat any coft, and ratherpart with any thing, thanwith Cbrifi lfus, whofhould be our cheeptreafure. 278 What anfwer ourhearts ought to make toSathans temptations, and the worldsallurements. 279 Tofindewhether Chilli beour life,andcheefeft jgy, wemini confider what it is our thoughts fiede uponanddelight in. 280,281 How toknowwhether Chrift be our cheefe refuge, to flic unto. 282,283 A carnallman ishis difir.ef, knowes not whither to gee. 286 The wicked in their troublesfileunto men for their refuge. 284,285 The Cbriflian inhisd f reff is wont tobetake him. himflfe tochri ibid. & 287 How a manmay know whomhe (etsups for his cheefe commander, 287,288 There are three great commanders in the world. that divide allmankind (time)between themy 289 By