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TheContents. Byfive thingsa manmay know, n hether be be andbath right técieme to the Lords Table p, 29 ,4 doublechargegiven ; to the worth. y not toomit theSacrament : totheprophane, not to thrufi himfel intotheLords Table, p. 2 93 ,rínacFI.or vertuegoes oatfromChriji, tomake an union betwixt ua,that we maybe bis, ib. This almightypower proceeding or Chrifl,turnes theframe ofa manheart, and thecour,feofhis life,a quite contrary way, p. 294 This virtueorpawerfollati ofCbri f , cloth not one- lybreed inmengoodpurpfsanddefires, but al f gives to rrr power and flrength toperforme them, p.ibid This ef, ficacy, vigour and vertuecomming from Chrifl into theheart, workethfucha change in men, that allthewayesofgodline/fe andnew obe- dience, become in amanner naturallunto them. p.2 8 Cattail, pervert, andworldly minded men, that have crooked wayes likeother men, wouldnot be for Gods honour,, p 301 Afaithregatired,as in divers otherpoints,f0 afo in this, p.3o2 411 the erreursofoar livesarife and f ring from l hence that tbefeprinciples andgrounds.,(a, fore) ¡aidare not beleevedand gbfervedo ma; Thereafan,tvhy when we knowGod, weglorifiehim not God, ibid. Weare toconfider ,whether there hathoone a power from Chrifl,tomortieour lta¡gs,an.l to overcome the'