TheContents. -1 the world. ib.&; 305. I The world hash many things to rer t andvoleus. ibid í Our fiente to be partakers of the Sacrament of Chrills body andblood,is to be confsderedin live points, p.306 Thefiidfive things f ecißcd. p,307 There isfurther required a particular increafe of our defireandwillin takingChrift, andofeve. ry grace that knits him and sea together. p.;13 How this willand defiremay be increafed, p.3t S Theflrengthofevery Sacrament lies in theinfli- tution ofit by theLord, andin theworduttered by the trueMinifierofChr p.316 It isalfa required (for our benefit andcomfort) to put up our requefl, when wee come nacreto-the Lord in the Sacramento p.319 What the Covenant betweenGodandtat is, p 320 Particular requefls andpetitions tobe made at this time,and in this Galon, 2 t The holy .Scriptures (fir grace and ability, te doe more than nature can doe; as to overcome fucha loft, filch anaturall difpiofttion todoeevil. Al theprayers ofthe saints made upene'artb, are .4uredlyheard in heaven, p. 323 Faureconditions, whereby this generall is limited: andbounded : andfzrfltheperfonmuffberights ous,(i,)"jaftified, reconcileduntáGod,and fanon- fieldy theholy Spirit ofgrace, P.324 ?'he f tond condition that it bee according to cods will, p.325 . The