The thirdcondition, wemußaske in time, in due faJn, p.326 Thefourth conditian,that we refrre the time, the manner,themeafure ofgranting oar petitions to the Lord, P. 327 We knownot ourfelveswhat is. meetefr tos: but the Lordknowes beft what to do, P.3 28 it is awondrouspriviledge, whatfoeverprayer wee make onearth,tobe heardinheaven, ib. obieïiions aboutdoubtingof this doctrine anfive- ed, p.329 How wefhall know, that Godis willing togrant the thingweprayfor, P.330 Another obielltonofdoubting anfwered, p.33 z The love of Gad. the Father, it a fccond realn wherewith thepromife (to beheard) to backed, P.333 The obielion of oar unwarthinefe anfwered, P334 The Lords readineffe toheare, fhould teach tu tobe morefervent inprayer, P.336 More required irrprayer, than the bare making of requefl, P.33 8 Thepromife is not made to the prayer, butte the perfonpraying, P.339 Aniwere made to the objeéliion (four infirmities, P.340 Theyare reproovedwhoprayfor fa4hionfakeoney. P.341 Scantnefeandcoldneffeinprayer, comes from are- belefe, P.342 Their