Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

I . v-tZ t5 4ryt . - ! El +yy+3 1 J rt tt^[ CoLL vfard CoctoufiieiP latrie. 41V r' .... OS. 3.5. rabid) is Ido- Ovetoufneffe which is Idolatrie that muftbe mortified as well as the other earthly members. Now this Covetmufneffe is no- thing elfe; but an in- ordinate and finfullde- Wealth or Money. The Honours, that is {liíed aff}tisz ; of cautie,° ; and Luft is an inordi- when it propoundeth is called Covetouf-. Now Idolatryconfi(Ieth : Firtl, in worfhip- a wrongmanner,appre giving that tnhim him. Secondly, when . A as 4e, ;, . , 'i i, - ;. -: , k, 4 4 "1_ ` fire v:: ofgetting or keeping inordinate tufting after Ambition too much is called i.uiáfulneff`e nate aff::Etion, which Riches for its objcEt, nes, -which is tblàtry. in oneofthAefe three things ping the true Go D in herding him as a Creature, thatagt`ezh. not with