Z `lïernedy a3ainft Covetoufneffe. as wee make thecreature a God ; that is, by conceiving it under the notion of a God : fo did they which.woriliipped love, Mari, and thole Heathens that wor(hip the Creatures as. Gods. Thirdly, when as wee attribute that unto it , which belongeth unto Go : as to true in ir, to delight in it, toput all our truci and confidence in it : when as we think, that it can performe that unto.ux which God only can this thought is Idolatry. Now that Co- vetoufneffe is Idolatry, is meant onely in this fence whenas wee t.inkethat richcs.candce that for uswhich God cnelycan; as that they candoe us good or evil i. Efay, 41.23. if they areGods, faith God, let there doe good orevill. God onely clothgood and evill, therefore nee is difiingui`hcd from Idols because they can -, not doe ir. Affenions follow opinions, and praaife followes affe lions. Therefore Heb. t: 6. He that pp'i'lcome toGod rnolt believe that he is-,&- thatbe isa'rewarder. Mall theft thatfeeke him. None will'worf ipGod, unieffe they be- leeve that God cancomfort and reeeve them in all their dif+refEs 3 So no menwill carnefi iy feeke after wealth or riches till they haven. opinion -, that riches and wealth will yeeld them comfort, or bea firong towerofdefence to free the -m from inconveniences, this makes themtotruf7 in them, and this thought is Ido- latry. Thereare two Points of Doi;sine that arife from thefe words : The íìr6, is this. That