A Remedy aáairift CoTetou%raefie. That tofeke helpeandcomfortfrom any crea- Doft, tare, orfrom riches, andnotfromCod alone , is vaineandJi fulf, The fecond is this. That cevetoaafetc which is Idolatry, into bee Doe. 2. mortified. t l . For thehra ; Thatto feckehelpe andcom- r. fort from any creature and not from Goda- lone, is vaine and finfull : It mutt needs bee fo, becaufe it is Idolatry. Now in Idolatry there are two things. Firff, Vanity and emp- tincffe, A. Corinth. 8..4.4n idol is nothing in the world; here it is Vanitie. Secondly, Sin- fulneffe, there is no greater finne than it. It is extremely vaine, becaufe we attribute that to itthat Bothonly belong to God;To think,that if I amwell, if I am {frong in friends, havea well bottomed effate,thatthenmymountaine is Chongon every fide,l !hailnot be removed, this is finfull and vaine; yce fhall not livea jot the better or happier for it; A ftrange Para-. doze, contrary to theopinion and pradiceof moffmen. If wee confult withour treafures, doe not we thinke that ifvie have fuch wealth and fuch friends, that wee Ihould live more comfortably and happily ? There is no man but will anfwer that hee thinketh fo But yet my brethrenyee are deceived, it isnot fo : It belongs to Godonly to difpenfe ofhis Pre- rogatives , good or evil!. 4 Koji is but a wine thing, faith the Pfalmif, toget a viasrie : A 2 That Ptai.33e17q 1