I rA0..4kAA;.6J6KAA g42i,:222225.P.Q22203 .°`.;,`,``,``'` THE DOC TR. I NE OF MnRT IF ICA'T'I®N. COLOSSIANS 3Se Mortjetherefore your members which areupon theearth; fornrcation,uncleanneffe, inordinate affection, evall con- c>upi fèence,andcovetoufne e,which is tdolatrre. 1000 0'0 0.0. e a o 0 01 I,is chapter containeth dîé ; versexhortations untohea- L verily nlindedneffe , by '; i' s y which the Apof{le labours ' o to diflivade the Colofïians rt 1 ,, from corruptible things, . unto things not corrupti- í ,- blc, but everlafling ; not earthly, but heavenly ; in the which the life of a Chriftiaan, and true holineffe flandeth. In the firft verfe he beginneswith an exhortation to feeke heavenly things á ifyouberifen,vith chrrfl, f eke £ thofc