Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Met/ aln COI)tita!file i¡ Thai:is, though it be as fit a thing as car-1 bee in it felfe, yet ifit bee left to its feife without God, it is but vaine and can doenothing. So I may i..ay of Riches and other outward things; riches are vain:, and and friendsare vaine toprocure happineffe ofthemfelves, So Phyficke ofits felfe is vaine to procure health; without God they are nothing worth : bee that thinkes otherwife erreth. Luk. t 2,19, It ma the fillyofthe richman thathe thoug6tfo ; and therefore fang a Requiem to his foule , Eate drinke andLe merry, 0 niy Spule, t bou ball goods laidupfor thee for many yeares : bee did not thinke hirnfelfe h3ppie, becaufe he had an in- tereft in God and his favour, but b-caufe bee had abundance of outward rich sl, A rid there- fore you fee the end of all his happineire Tbaufoole, this night Pallthypulebe takenfrom thee, and then what is become of all his hap- pincffe ? Yet filch is our folly, that moil of us refleCt on the meanesand on thecreacures,and expedhappineffè from them. But Chtia tels Us) they will nor, doe the deccle;t6ii night lhall they take away thyfiule, and then allthy happi- lute is-gone. The rich man thought before that he had beetlefecure as long as his wealth con- tinued with him, that honeedednor to expea any calamity i, but now bee fees that he built upon a fandy foundation. David though an holy man, being eilablifhed in his kíogdome, having fubdued all his enemies, and fur- nifhed . NOIN1 .MNI No. ININ M..