Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

--------- Aemedy agaius`t Covetdufne f f è. nifhed himfelfe with wealth and treafure, bee thought that his rnaurrtait a was then madefo firing that it couldnever Ice moved; that to marrow flail bee as yeferdayand much-merea. tundant ; but, no f over did Goa hide hisface, from him, be he was troubled, P/al. 30.7. To Phew, that it was not his riches and outward profpericy that made him happy, but God onely: So Daniel, 5. 23. Teijhazzar when as he thought himfelfe happy , being environed with his Wives; Princes,and Servants; when as bee praifeai the gods Ff fiver and the gods of gold, abounded with all outward prot'perity and repofed hishappindfe in it, is countedbut a Poole by Danicl for it;Pecaufe bee glorifed not God, in whole hands his breath andall hisways were; and thexeforche was deflroyed. Thefe things of themfelves will not con- tinue with us, nor yet make us happy_ Wee take nota fiep to profperity or advertïty, but Gods hand cloth leade ir. Mybrethren that heare mee this day, that have heretofore thought thak ,if, ye had fuch an °flare, fuch learning, fuch` ornaments, and fuel, friends, that thenyec were happy ; to `perfwade you that is is not fo, it would changeyour hopes and fears, your griefes and joyes, and make you labour to bee rich in faith and in good workes.It will be very hard to perfwadeyou to this, yet wewill doe what wecan,and adde certaine reafons which may perfwadc you to A 3 beleevc 0.1.11....1.......go