Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

,í1 7terted,y againfl. Covetoufneffe: beleve it to bee fo,ifGod flaall addea bleffing to them,and joyne the operation ofhis Spirit with them toperfwade you. Rea n, t. Firft, this rnuflneedsbefo , in regard of Gods All-fufficiencie; hee alone is able to comfort without the creatures helpe elfe there were an infufficiencie and narrownefle in him, and fo hee fbould not bee God. If hec could not fill our defires everyway, hee were not All-fuf%cient ; Even as the Sunne fhould beedefective, ifit needed the helpe of torches togive light. God is bleffednot one- ly inhimfelfe, but makes us alfobleffed; iris the ground of all other Commankrnents; Dad.6.T3 Thou (halt love and worfiipthe LordthyGod,and Matth.q.. ro. bimonely¡alt thoufeare ; Wee muff love him Deut.6.Ç. withall ourhearts,withallour f ules; let not the creature have one jot of them, becaufe all comfort is fromGod.Gen. 17. 1, lamGod:ri ufAcien:, walkebefore me, andbeperjeá : that is, love me altogether, fet your affeetions on none but me, yee neede not goe unto the creature, all is in me. If the creature could doeany thing for tomake us happy andnot God, thenwee might flepout to it_; but the creaturecanadde nothing to it, God onely is all-fuffident to rt,ake you perfeet everyway;' though the creature be ufed by God as an in- ftrument, yet it is onelyGod thatmakes you happy and gives you comfort, and not the creature. Secondly,