Aemedy againFt Covetouneffe. Secondly, it muff needs bee fo bee:4deof thevanitie and emptineffe of the creature: It candoe nothing but as it is ccrrmantled by God; he is the LordofBoaffs,who ccmman- deth all thecreatures, as the Generall Both li army. A man having the creatures tohelpe him, it is by vertue of Godscommand. It is the vanitie of the creature that it can doe no- thing of it (elfe, except there bean influence from God. Looke not then to the creature it felfe, but to the influence, a6lion and applica- tion that it bath from Gods fecret concurrence with it. \"hat it is to have this fecret concur- ranceand influence fromGod unto the crea- ture, youmay fce it cxpreffcd by this fimili- tude ; Take the hand, it moves becaufe there is an imperceptible influence from theveil that flirres it : SJ the creature movingand giving comfort tous, it is Gods will it fhould doe ir, and fo it is applied to this or that aC`lion. The Artificerufing ahatchettomakea floole or the like, there is an influence fromhis Art that guides his hand and it : fo the creatures wor- king is by a fecret concourfefromGod,doing thus and thus. And to know that it is from God, yee finde a mutability in the creature, it works not alwayes one way Phyfïcke and all other thingsareinconflant;fomtimes it helps, fometimes not, yea many tii3res when as yee have all the meanes yet they faile;to fhcwthat there is an influence from God, and-that the creatures