8 WernedyagainftCovetotafne creatures are vanifhing, perithing and u eon - flant ofthemfelues. Thirdly, It mull be fo, becaufe it' is finfull to looke comfort from any thing but from God t becaufe by this wee attribute that to thecreature, which onely belongs to God ; which is Idolatry. The creature fleales away theheart in an imperceptible manner, as ,4hf. 1®sn ftole away thepeeler hearts frow David; or as theadulterer fleales away the loveofthe wife from her husband. This makes you férve the creatures : this makes you fettle your af, feetions on the creatures if they faile, yee furrow ; if they come, yce joy: andyee doe this with all joy,with all delight and pleafure, anddelire; This is a great time , nay it is the greatefl finne : as adultery is the greate(I finne, becaufe it fevers and diffolves the mar- riage ; fo is this the greater , becaufe it fevers us from God, and makes us cleave to the creature. Themine Confeáarie and ufe from this, is ; To kcepeyou from hafting_ after worldly things: men are never weary of feekìng them, but fpend their whole time ingettingofthere; and this is the reafon, why the things that be- long to falvation are fo Much negleaed : men (pend fomuch time in a ihoufandother things; and trifles,that they haveno timeat all to ferve God in : they arebufie about riches,honours, credit, or the things whereon their pleaCures doe