Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

A gernedy agaie etoufneffe. doepitch : butifthis be digefted, it will teach you to feeke all fromGod, whodifpofeth ail things, and to whom the ifues oflife anddeath, ofgood or evill doebelong. Confider with your felvas and you (hall finde ; that the ma; fon wherefore yee feeke for outwardcontent and comfort, is becaufe you thinke it will doe you good ifyouhave it, or hurt if youhave it not. But hereinyouerre, giving that to the Creature which onely belongs to God. Efay, 4'..3. 1 f the Idols beeGad , faith the Lord, let them doegoad or evill; The fcope ofthisplace, is to cutoffthewhorifh and adulterifh affeói-' on ofthofe, whohave aneager and unweaned defire after earthly things, by (hewing, that they candoeusneither good nor hurt. There- fore God puni(hed David exceedinglyfor numbring thepeople; becaufe he thought that they could flrengthen him againfl his ene- mies without Gods helpe. Wherefore, ¡ere- mie,9. 23. 24. Thus faith the Lord, let not the wife manglory inhis wiredone, neither let the ?nightie manglory in hismight, neither let the richmanglory inhis riches 6ut let him thatglo- rieth,glory in tbts; that face underJlándeth and knos'eth that 1 am the Lard, whichexecute loving kindneffe, lodgement and iighteoufneffe in the earth. As if hee fhould have raid : If thefe things could doe yougood or hurt,there were tome reafon that you might feeke them: but there is nothing in them that youfhoulddefire B them PGI,; t Sam: zq.à