lo `.keinedy again f Covetoufe e. ©bseii. . "Inf.;v. them ; For it is I onely that execut e Mercy and Iudgefnent, all good and evil' is from mee. Therefore P/ilme, 62. we have this caveat gi, ven us.lfriches increafejet notyoreheartsvpon them, magnifie not your fclves in them or for them, for all good andcomfort is onely from God ; clfe youmight fet your hearts on them; but now all power and kindneffe is from him, therefore your wealth can never doe ir. But it may bee objected s That GodBoth comfort us and makeus happie in this life by meanes, and riches are the meanes ; Where- fore thenmay we not feeke to them to get this comfort ? To this I anfwr ; That God doth reward e- veryman according to hi,s worker, not according tohis wealth. Yea her can comfort us with- out there; For be as the Godgall CofElation 2. Ccr. 1. 3. and that both Fs cltfveand Exc1, five; all comfort is in him , and from him , none without him. If wee thinke to have it from honours, wealth or friends, we deceive our felves, for they are vainc and profit not, E Sai?1. I z . 2 1.2 2. Tiarne yee not afide, for then > allyee goeaftervain things which cannot pro- fit nor deliver, far they are v°aine. All thefe things without G OD will profit you no- thing. But will not heaith,weaith and friends pro- fit us? -No, not all, they are vaniriesthey arc empty in