A Weaned, againfifovetoufnefie. ii in thernf`ives, theycannot doe it : theyare in themfelves but vanitie ; having the creature yeehave but thehuske withoutthegraine,the [hell without thekernell. The creature is but empty of it felfe s except God put into it a fitneffe to comfort you , all is vanity and no- thing worth, and this vanity is nothing but emptineffe. And this ferves to corral the thoughts ofmen, who thinke that ifthey had fuchan efiate,all theirdebts paid, iftheyhad fuchand fuch friends, then all wouldbeewell with them : and who is it that thinks not thus? But let thofe that entertaine fuck, thoughts , confider the vanitie of the creature : all our finties proceed from the over-valuing ofthe creature ; for finne is nothing but anaverfion ofthe foule from the immutableGod to the creature. Labour then toconceiveofthecrea- ture aright, to fee that it is vaine : this will keepe youright, and hinder you fromgoing from Godand cleaving to thecreature. To preífe this further,confider there four-e things fiat. Firfi, ifye goe another way to worke, be- leeveall ye fee, and feeke comfort inthe crea- tore; confider yee (hall loofe your labour. It is not in the power ofthe creature to yeeld yee any comfort; if yee bufie your ferves in Peekinganycomfort from it, yewalke in a vaine thadow : Pfal. 39.6. Surely every tna» alketb in avain fliadow, fitrely they areall di B 2 gHieted' I.