7(ernedy againft Covetoufneffe, 13 hour in vaine, wee would account himeither a faole or a mad-man; yet wee in thecleare Stmnc fi3iuc ofthe Gofprll,(fiuch is our mad- n íf!)doecatch and feekeafter fhadowes with troubleof rr inde and farrow of heart, cegle- eting the fubfiance. Secondly, Confider that you feeke your happineife, the wrongway, in that youfeeke 2. it in worldly things,theyarenot able to helpe or make you happy; becaufe they reach not to the inward man : The body is but the fheach and cafe, our happineífe lies not in it : fo in thecreatures, their happiueffe confifieth not in themffelves, but in fomething elfe : It lies inobferving the rule that Godbath appointed to them : the fire , obferving the rule that Godbath given it, is lure; fo is it ofwater, fo ofall creatures animate and inanimate, their happineffe confifis in obferving the rule that God hath prefcribed to them. The Law of God is the rulethat we muff walke iy, fol- lowing iras a rulewe arehappy : hee that kee- peth the Commandements íhall live in them: hee that departed.) from them is dead. Eve- rie motion ofthe Fi(h out ofthe water is to death, but every motion ofit in the water is to life : So let a mans motions bee towards God, then they are motions to life, but let him move after outward things , and it isa motion to death and mifery ; therefore , if yee feeke this comfort from outward things., B 3 yee