Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2 The DoíirineofMortification: tunfe things that areabove : that is, ifyoube rifen with Chrifl, and deadunto the fafhions of men, then there is analteration and change inyo;r foules wrought, by whichyouarebrought to affeEt that whichis heaven- ly, and bafely to efteeme ofearthly things :therefore, ifyou berifen that is, ifthis heavenly life,and difpofi- lion, and change be in you, then let the fameappeare by your heavenlymindednefle; that is,by feeking of heavenly things. In the fecond verfe he joynes another exhortation gr ded-atrt e fiiríl, to beewife and to underftand them; Setyour ajfeTionson thingsabove : that is,let them be fpeciallymindedof you, let all your faculties bee filledwithaknowledgeof fpirituall things ; and this is fo joyned with the former, that there canbe no fee- kingwithout knowing ; for how cana man feekethat which he knowethnote and ifthouhaft noknowledge ofheaven, andheavenly things, howcanft thoudefire theme feeingwhere there is nodefire, there is no fee- king: And therefore ifthouwouldeft feekeheavenly things, as Chrift, and Grace,and Salvation,then know them firft. Afterwards in thethirdverfë he goeth on,andpref feth this exhortation with divers arguments ; firft, becaufeyouaredead : that is, feeing youare deadunto earthly things, therefore ftrive not now to beearthly minded. Secondly, Tour life ishidwithChrf! : that is, . your happinefi°e is not feenewith theeyeof the bodie by looking on thefe earthly things, but your happi® nefl'e and joy is by Faith beholding Chrift, therefore fet your heart andeye onhim,where your life is; that is, you loose for a perfeEtioz ofglory with Chrift, which