4 Remedy againft Covetoufnefje. 15 friends, they may change their afrreStions, and become your enemies,or deathmay takethem away , and then your happineffe is gone : If yee depend on riches, Prov.23.5. Wit; thou jet thine eye on thatwhich is not ? For r. icescer- tainely mike ahemfelees wings, andflieaway like anEagle towards heaven; and then your happy- netfe is gone : But ifyee feekeand placeyour happinetíe in God, in whony is no change nor a'teration,then it isperpetuall. Adependancy on things that are mutablewill yeeld no com- fort, becaufe Godwill haveall todepend on hirfelfe : therefore , t Car.I. 30. Chriff o God is made unto to, Wifdome, andRighteouf- nef/e, and Sant1ifrcation, andRedemption. That nofl Amight reioyce ix its/elfe, but that he that glorieth, might gloryin the Lord. For this end, God conveiedChria untous; that bee might make us beleeve, that we farenot the better for any creature , that fo wee might rejoyce onely in the Lord: therefore bee hath made Chrifi redemption from all evil, that bee might furnifh us with all good : Chrift bath redeemed us from helland mifery, fromwant of good things : feeke not thenadependancy on the creature, thinke not that it will better you, and this will make you to depend on. Chriff. Therefore for thefe regards correa your opinion of worldly and outward things, and judgeof themwith righteous Judgement: depend onelyonGod ifyou will`havehim`to B 4 be