16 70medy ßrgainfi Còvetou e Dccezpt.I. be your portion, as hee was the Levites : Re. fate him not as the Ifcaelites did , depend on him ingood earneR. A little you fay , with Gods bleffing will doe much. Labour not therefore,neither toileyee to leavegreat por- tions to your children ( the commonpretence that menhave for theircovetoufneffe)though you leave themnever fo much, if Gods bief- fingbee not on it, it is nothing , it can yeeld themnocomfort; yea many times itis an oc. cafion oftheir hurt. If then Gods biding be all in all, if that onely canadminifter comfort and make us happy, I would aske you this queftion ? What ifye did leaveyourchildren onely Godsblefi`ing,would it not be futficient thoughyou leave them little or nothing elfe ? Yee thinke not fo ; andyet whatfoever yecan leave them without Godsblefling,is nothing worth.Preachers labour much in this, todraw you from worldly things, and all to little pur- pofe:Ir mutt be Gods teaching that perfwades' lwithin, that mulleffetit: yee mufltherefore take paines withyour hearts,the generality of the difeafe fh2wes that it is hard tobecured; Labour therefore to finde out the deceipts which dohinder your practifeofthere things; which are theft. OneDeceipt that deceives men is that they are ready to fay, that thefe thingsare theblef- - fngs of God. Why then fhould not wee re- Joyce in them :' As for of iCtions theyarc croft's