,/Aremedy againft CovetoufnejJe, crof es, and therefore wee grieve for them : if there then did; not adde toour hleffedneífe, why count wee them bieffings, and account Povertieasa croffe To this I anfwer, that ifyee take themas bleffings yee may rejoyce in them, as the in, flruments by which God doch you good. Bleffiags are relative wordes, they haverefe- rence unto God : if yee confider them with- out reference unto him, they ceafe to beblef inns : therefore if yeeconfider themmeerely as bicliings, yee may rejoyce in them. Now yeerrccive them as bictfìn s : Firft, if yee depend on God for the difpo- fing, continuing, :4ndwant ofthem, if yee think e yee fhail enjoy them no longer than. Godwill. Ifyee thinke this withyour felves, wee haveWives, Children, Friends, andRi- I ches, etistrue we have them,but yet they íh.11 not continue with us an houre or minute lon- ger than Godw ill : If ye thinke fo ingood t earneít, then. yee rejoyce in them as bleffings. A Gran that is -r`eilitted whenhe is indanger , lookes more to thtwill than to the handof him that helpcs hint : wee looke more to the good will of our friecds, than to their gifts: fo we íhonld looke more to Gods Will and plcafure, than to the benefits which he be (Imes on us.The confiderationofthefethings äs blcifings, mutt taife up your thoughts to heavenly thin;; toconfider that whatfoevcr is I.