Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

! 7temedy againft Covetoufneffém is done inearth, is firfl aCted in heaven; the Sunne is lira eclipfed there, and then here": fo your eates are fir[}eclipfed there, beforethat they are here. Looke therefore on G o D, and on thefe as rneerely depending on Gods will, and then you enjoy therm meerely as bief Pings. 2. Secondly, yee looke on them as bleffings, ifyee looke on them fo, as to know, that yee may have them in aboundarace without any comfort. Inarumentshave nothingof them- felves; whatfoever they have is put into them. A manmay have wealth,friends,and all other outward things , his mountaine may feeme to be flrong,yet without Godsbleffing on them;hemay want comfort in them:When as yee thinke thus, that yee may have thefe thingswithout comfort, it is a frgne that your eye is on God, that yec loeke on them onely as the Vebiculaes or Conduit pipes, to con- vaycomfort. The aire yeelds light as an In. ftrurnent,though it bathno light ofits ovine the water may heat, but woks felfe, but by that beate which is mm led fnto it by the fire: So ifamanclrinkea Potion in beere,thebeere ofits felfe doth not worke, but the Potion worketh by the beere : So it is with all out- ward bleflings, theyof themfelves can yeeld youno comfortat all, but iftheyyeeld youa- ny, it is by reafonofthat comfort whichGod puts into them.. Thirdly,