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l Aemedy againft Covetoufnefè. 9 Thirdly.yee doe then enjoy them as hid-- flogs, ifyou thinke that you may have com- fort without them : the ebbing and flowing, of outward things doth not augment your comfort or diminifh it ; Thofe that have not any outward blefiings,mayhave moregladneffe and comfort in their hearts, than thofe n'bofe corne andwine are increa(ed, Pfilm. q 7. Thofe who, have but a fmall Cottage and abed in it, are many times more bappie, more healthy,. and fleepe more quietly, than thofe rich men, wbofé Wealth will notfuer them to fleepe: Et. clef5.12. Many there are, that feeme towant outward things and comforts, yet are full of inward comforts and-delights.: Many there are, who like Pauland the Apoflles, Seeme to have nothing, andyetpofefeall things : As it is allone withGod tohapwithfew t4 with many; So he cancomfort with few friends andexter- nail bleomngr, as well as withmany: Yea bee canmake a little that the righteous have, more comfortable than all therevenues of the vngodly, be theynever fogreat.That which path been faid ofblefngs, the like alfomay bec faidof croffes ; yeamaygrieve for them if ree take them as croffes : but withall take heed; that you account not thofe things croffeswhich in- deed are no croffes. Want . was nocroffe to Paul, nor yet Impri.fonment fovin the one he mounded, in the other hee fling irisad- vantage unto. us many times to haveoutward bleffings 3. z.Cor.6.Eo. I Sam.14.6. 2 Chr.IQ.EI. t9E11.4.72. A413 16.25.