Deceápr.2, .4rfw. QWenaedy againft Covetoufnee: bleflìngs taken from us. It is advantage tous . tohave blood taken away in a Pleuritic : it is good fometimes to lop trees, that fo they maybring forth more fruit;foit is goodmany times for us to have croffes to humble us, and tobring us nearer to God t yet yce may forrow for the Joffeofthere things, and take it as acrofí'e,ifyee can fay this from your hearts, that yeearenot afiliaed, becaufeye are made poore,becaufe your wealth is taken from you but becaufe it is Gods pleafure to take it from you, either for the abufe ofit, orelfe topu- nifhyou for forre other finse. So if that yet are aft into for de fickneíl°e,ye maynot grieve for it as a crofï'emeerely, as it is a ficknefle, but as you conceive the hand of God in it , laying it on you as a punifhment for your finne. The fecund Let and Deceiptis, the prefent fenceand feeling that we have of thecomfort that comes fromaboundance. Men are ready to fay, that they feele com- fort from aboundance of outward things ; therefore whatfoeveryou fay to thecontrary, is but fpeculations and fancies. Menare gui- ded by fence, which cannot be deceived; we find and feele comfort in there thingsby ex- perience, we fee a reality in there things, and therefore whatfoever you fay to thecontrary, is but vaine, and tono purport. To this I anfwer, you muff not judge of. things