1Aemedi againft Covetoujneje, 2I things according tofence, for fencewas never made a Iudge by God,to judge ofthefe things; but judgeofthermüccording to faithand rehi- fied reafòn,which judged] ofthings that are to come,that are pail 8zprefent all together,and fo canbefl judge of thefe things as they are. Now for to helpeyour judgements in-thefe things. Firfl, confider what the Scripturedoth fay z. ofthem : whatit doth fay of pleafure,friends, and riches : the Scripture prefents things as they are, and that tels you that they are but Vanity o fvanities, and that all is vanity. E«les.z.3; Secondly, confider the ludgements of o- 2. thers, concerning them who have beene on the ft of affii ions, and have abounded with good workes whip they lived, but are now gone. Thirdly, confider what yeewill judge of 3. them at the day ofdeath ; thenmen are awa- ked, they fee thefe things as they are indeed, and then they ,befoole rhemfelves that they have fpent fo much time in Peeking after thole things which will not profit there , and fpent fo little time in leeking after falvation. Fourthly, Iudge not of theta as you finde them for the prefcnt, but likewife as you (hall finde them for the time to come, judge ofall together. Nowlot Sence : youmuft underhand that there is adouble fence. Firft, 4