,/iNemedy agaitaFt Covetoufne fquare, have fo much joy and delight in the creature as the creature requires , and no more; if youraffe&ions hold a right propor- tion with their objeós, they are right ; there- fore thus fare yee may joy in thecreature, andno further. Firff, Yee may my in it with a remific z, joy, and yee mayalfo farrow for it witha re- mifTè forrow , yee may joy in it as ifyeeioyed cor,7.3o. not, and f arrow in it ,ts ifyeeforrotvednot. Secordly,Ye may joy in themwith abole joy and affeEtion ; as they fet bofe to you, fo yee may fct look to them, t Cor. 7.29. 30.', 3 t. Brethren the timeùjhort,ìt remaineth there- fire that th f who have wives, he as though they had none; that th f that tveepe, he as though they wept not ; that th f that reioyce, though they reioyced not ; and thof that buy, as thoughthey pofi ednot ; and they that age thisworld, as Pict abufiug it,That is, let your affelions be bofe to there things : Take anyof thefc outward things, ye( maycall your affe&ions on them in a bofemanner : goe no further than this ; For thefafhiof: of the worldpaffeth away; Yee may bee takenaw y from it, and it from you therefore affe6t it nootherwife, than a tranfi torie thing , and with'a bofe and tranfient ffe4ion, willing to depart from it, when- loever it fball pleafe Go D to take it from you. Thirdly, yeemay love them with a depen- dent