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TheDo6rhzeofMortification. 3 which you cannot have byminding earthly things : therefore be heavenlyminded. In the fourth verfc the Apofileanfwereth untoade- mand for they might thus objeó, You tell usthat we íhall have a perfection ofglory, and that it is hid withChrift, but when fhall we have it ; that is, when fhallit bemade manifeft unto us Untothis the Apo fileanfwers, WhenChrifl, who in our life, 1'd apeare, then/hallwe afoappeare with him in rlorie. Andhereupon he groundethanother exhortation in thever¡e I have read :asifhe fhould fay,Seeing you expect fuch a per- fedionofglory to berevealeduntoyou at Chrifis fe- cond comming, then it hands yciuupon to let upon yourcorruptions, tokill, and to flaythem, thatfeeke todeprive you of that glory. Mortfe therefore, your earthlie members ; that is, flay every foule affection, in- ordinate defire of earthly things, rid yourhearts of them by flayingofthem ; and although it mayfeeme a hard worke, yet fightfä11, orelfe you fhall never at- tineunto thatlifeyou hopefor : So that the firft ge- nerall pointhence, is this : That theheight ofglorie,whichmeexpeal by Chrinbould PiJriae I. eau fe everieman to morti fiefinne. This the Apofilemakes thegroundofour Mortifi- cation ; Ifyou be rifenwith Chrift, feeke the things that are above, morf/jethereforeyour earthliemembers ; that is, except youflay finne, that hath flame Chrift, youcan. notget life withChrift : Surely then, Mortification is not asmen thinke it, aneedleffeworke which matters notmuchwhetherit befet uponor no,butthis is mens ficknetl'e ; for, as a man that is ficke thinkes Phyficke smile. is not needful], becaufe bee isnotfenfibleof his dif- Bz cafe,