Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

-.o..-..--. Z4 .1Remedy againft CoVetoufne.ffe. Deceipt.3. 4nfuv. Luka5.5.1a dent affedion;theyare things of a dependent nature, they have no buttome of their ovine to (land on, they onely dependon God, and fo yeemay love them as depending on him : eyeing the Fountain; and not the Ceflerne from whence they flow: take not the light from the aire sanely, but looke to the Sunne from whence it comes. The third Deceipt, is faIle reafoning : We finde it otherwile by experience : we fee that a diligent hand maketh rich , and bringeth comfort:we feethat labour bringeth learning; and for the labour whichwe take to get it , in recompenceofit,it snakes us happy. To this Ianfwer, That this chainedoth not alwaycs hold : God breaker it many times; riches comenot alwayes by labour, nor corn- fort by riches; except God bee with the labour, the labour profits nothing. pfal, i27. t.Except theLordbuild thehoufe,the labour in vain that build it : Except the Lord keepe the Citie, thewatchmen match but invain. It is in Vaine to rife urp earely, togoe tobed late, toeate thebread ofcarefuinge : Yee (hall not reape the fruit yee expel }, unle(fe. God bee with your labour. If Chrifl bee abfent the D:f. ciples may labour allnight and catch nothing; but ifhe be prefent with them, then their la- bour profpereth, then they inclofe ¿ multitude of.Fifhes : So when as wee Iabour and take paines;, and thinke to be Prong inour ovine flrength