Remedy againt Covetoufneffe. 25 ftrength without Gods felpe, wee goe to worke with a flrong ley which will not open; but ifGods hand bee in thebufineffe, weedoe thatwith greater facilitieand eafewhich God bath appointedweefhoulddoe. You mayfee this iniofph, God purpofed to mak e him a great man,fee with what facilitie hewas made the Govern°ur fEgyp t next to Pharaoh without ht orvnefeking,andbeyondhisexpe `atien : So it was withMordecai; fo with id : God appointed to make them great, and therefore they becamegreat notwithfíanding all oppo- fitions. On the contrary, let man goe on in his owne ftrcngth,and he fhali labour without anyprofit at all : Hence it is,that many times we feea concurrencieofall caufes, fo that we would thinke that the effea mutt needs fol- low, and yet it.follovves not, and itit doth fol. low, we haveno comfortin it. Fiat, becaufe God makes an infutable- neffe,a difproportion betwixt the man,& the bleffing; as betweene Ada and his Apofile- fhip. Aman may have tables well furnifhed, Riches in aboundance, a Wife fit for him, and yet have no comfort in them, becaufc God puts a,fecret difproportion betwixt him and them. Secondly, though there bee- aconcurren- cieof things, yet God mayhinder theeffect; fometimes for good, fotnetimes for evill : As Elifha hisfervant may ready lathenicke, when C the