A 7(emedy againfl Covetoufiteffe. the Shunamite came to leg herpoffifiions and Land of the King, 2. King. 8.5. 6. liewon then telling the Kingholy EliElla had re/faredherfinne to life,whicbfurtheredherfiiite : So on the o- ther fide, Abraham, whenbeemu to offer upbia fonne Ifiac : in theinflant Godfent tbe Ramme tied in the BRA, Gen. 22. 13. SO sod when as he had purpofed to kill David, God cells him away to fight with the Phiklims : and as Godhinders the aka for good, fo heedoth for evil Thirdly, God doth it fometimes by de- nying fucceffe unto thecaufes. The batteli is not alwayes to the!Iron:: when tht:re are can- fès and the e1e followesnot, it is becaufe God doth difpofe ofthings at his plealure , and can turne them a contrary way:healthand comfort, joy and deiight, follow not outward bleffings,except Godputs it into them. Deceipt.4. The fourth Receipt is this : Thefe things are certaine and prefent, but other things arc doubtful! anduncertaine, we know notwhe- ther we !hall have themor no. To this I anfwer, it is not fo : Futures fpi- disftr. rituall,andeternal! things,arenot uncertaine: but thole things which wee enjoy here arei, thole thing which we here enjoy, asalfo wee our felves,are fubjea to changes and alterati- ons: we areas menon 'he fea, having (tomes as well as calmes. Wealth and all outward bleffings arebut trangtory things : but faith ami Escles3,93i.