Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2ernedy a$ainff CoVetoufneffe, 27 and fpirituail things arecertaine and endure for ever: we have an Almighty andunchange- able God, an immortali incorruptible inheri- tance : thatfadethnot away,r f r'vcdforma in the highell heavens, In temporall things, who knower what (halt bee to morrow; in them than can¡f not boaf oftomorrow: but as for fpi- rituall things they arecertaine,thcrc is noam- biguity in them. But the maine anfwer that I give is, that here we muff ufe our faith ; con- fider the grounds on which faith relies, and then theconclufions andconfequences that a- fire from them, take heed to themandbenot deceived. If yebeleeve God tobe theRewar- der ofall tha /e that trini inhim,as you fay he is, why not on him ? Whyare yee not contented with him for your portion? Why thinke yee not him fufficient ? If the creature beGod, then follow ir; but ifGod, be God, then follow him, andbe fatisfiedwith him : Labour therefore for faith unfained, and walkeaccording to it. Ifthen it be vaine and finfull to feekehelpe andcomfort from any creature, or from ri- ches, and to thinke that they canmake us live more comfortably ; hence thenconfider the finfulnefíe of ir, andput it into theCatalogue ofyour other finnes, that formerly yeehave had fuch thoughts. Every one is guiltyof.his finne more or lea, and this is a fin not ftnall, but of a high nature; It is Idolatry : In the, C 2 times I Prou.2.I: Heb. 1.6.