Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 8 A gkemedy againj1 Comoufileffe. 1403,4ot times of ignorance, Sathan drewmanymen to graffe Idolatry, to worthip flockcs and lioness but now hedrawes them-- to another Idolatrie lelle perceptible, and-yer. as dangerousin Gods fight as the -other, who is alpirit, ad ca difierne aiseitry /Ma is. Let us therefore eta- mine our hearts, and confider howmuch wee have loved and trulled thecreature:let vs con, demne our felues , and raiifie our Iudge- tnents,and judgeof things as they are : Let us not thineour tellies happy for that we enjoy the creatures; let usnot think:: ourfclvesblef- fed in them, butonely in Chri(, becaufe ic is not in their_power to make ushappy. If wee have fo ¡pyre(' in there, or loved them f© as to love God it ffe, iris adulterous love and joy. Wehave nobetter rule to judge of adulterous love than this, when as our love to the creature, (loth Ieffen our love towards God. Now 'cafl we beedeceived in our love to the crcature,1will give you there foure lignes to know, whether your love, to it bee right or no.., fee ifyour -affeCtions to the creature cure you to withdraw: your hearts from God. ley. 17.5, Crofiei, hee.:.tbe keth fl e,O. his arme, andwhofe heart departed, from the L.f.? Ir is a fignewee make &ill, our arme, when as wee withdraw:our hearts fromGod;.we make the creature our aime,