Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 ' emedy agatnff CQvetoujnefJe. 29 aime, when as it withdrawes us from God. I Tim. 5.5. She that is a fViddow indeed,truffeth in God, and continueth in fupplications sight andday : This is a figne that they tru{ied in God, not in the creature, becaufe they pray unto him. Confider what your converfation is, whether it bee in heavenor no : Phil.3. 20. Our converfation ss in heaven : the negleding and not mindingof earthly things in the for- mer verfe,fhewed him not tobetofan earthly converftion. The more our hearts are drawne fromGod, the more are they fixed and kt on earthly things. Secondly, confider what choife yee make whenas there thingscome in competiti- on with God and fpirituall things: what Bils ofExchange dee you make;' Docye make ye friends oftheunrighteousMammon, not caring for there things when they come in competi- tionwith a good conscience, or doe yee for- lake G oD, and ftcke to them? Thirdly, confider what your obedience is !.o G o D, whether his fearebealwayes before your eyes;or whether riches fet you onworke n' : what mans obedience is, fuch is his truft s ifyce obeyGod, then yee trufl in him, ifyee obey riches, then yee truft ix them, and not in God. Fourthly, confider what your affections are: nothing troubles a holy manbut Cnne,which makes hire fecke helpeat Gods hands,andnot. C 3 in 3, Lnlce it 6.9ò