Dog. a. 8. I f.7S. ---------- A Aeraedy C©Vetou, fnee. n thefe : on the contrary, nothing troublesa worldly man, but belies and crc fits, lione troubles him not at all : By this judge of your love to Riches, whether it be right or no. Thus muchof the firfl general! Dotrine; wecome nor to the fecond, which is this. That Cavetorefref ie to 6e mortirs', That Covetoufncfle is unlawful!, all know it : the things rh.refóre that will be ufefull in the handling of this point,willbe toflew you what Covetoufjiefle is; and why it is to bcc mortified. Now to Phewyou what it is. Covetoufneffe may bedefined, tobe a fìnfoll deftre efgettingor keeping moneyor wealth inor- dinatety. Firfi, it is a fin full delire, becpfe it is a luft, as lulling after pleafurc is called Volup- tuoufnefl'e; it is alfo inordinate, theprinciple beingatniffe, and likewife the ©bjeSt : The principle is atnifl'e, when as wee over-value Riches,fet agreater beauty on them than they have, and feeing themwith a wrong eye, we WI after them, by reafon that we over-value them; And thus to over-value them, thus to luft after them, and to thinke that they can make us happy, is Idolatry. The obi °L` of it is as bad as the principle, when as the end of getting riches, is either to raifc us to a higher condition, or toj re delicioully. every day; or elfe