Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

7.emedy again l Covetoufne f ee elfe to fiend them on %orne tuft, as well as to keepethem. Secondly, it is,efget tang or keepingmany; of getting, it inordinately, when as wee feeke it by wrong rneeanes; or of keeping it inordinately ; and that in twocafes. Firft, in not bellowing it on our feives,- as wee ought. There is tenacity of this fort among men, Ecclef.4.1 3. There re agreat evils tinder the San; namely, Riches kept by theowners tereofto their hurt : b\ hen as it id comelyrndgoodfor a man tc cateanddrinke,and toertiot thegoedefallhit la- bour that he takecb under theStone, aflthedays ofhis life whichGod giveth him, for this is bit pawn : And thus to take his Portion and to re- ioyce inhis labour is thegift ofGod. Ecclefs. t 8. a 9. ThenfTondly, innot giving to others,bc- ing too ftraight handed, having goods and feeing cents towant. The Jail and chicle thing in the definition is, Inordinately, that is,beiides the ruleof Gods Word. A thing is faid to be inordinate, when as it is b.fides the fquare,and indoing thus,we doea-niffe. Now this affection of feeking money is Laid to be inordinate,inthefe foute refpe6ts. Fiat ,when as we feeke it by rneafure,enore than welhould. Secondly,whest we feeke it by rneanes,that we fhouldnot. Ttirdly,whenwe feeke it for wrongends. C 4 Fourthly, 3 FWM,4, 2.' 2. 3.