Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

3z ___----- 4. E. dirfir. 141c4 f.19. A Cernedy acid Covetoufie Fourthly, when we feeke it in a wrong man- ner. For the fira, we offend in the meafure,when as we feeke for more than God rives us : that which Godgives every man, that is his Portion here, Ecctéf 5.18. And he:e that defireth and with.holdeth more than his portion, ishee that ofendeth in the meafure, Prev. z 1.24. But how fh ll I know Gods Will,and what my portion is ? 3 anfwer, by the event: fee in what eflate and condition God bath fet you, fcewhat e- ftate he bath givenyon, this is your Portion, and with it you mull bee contented. G O D hath a Soveraigntie over us, wee 2re but his fubjeas, and muff be contented with what he gives US: you arecontented with that which. your Father or your Prince gives you; there- fore you mull receive that which God be- ft.-owes uponyou,with all humility and thank. fulneffe. Ifwe be foundly humbled, wee con- Me our[dyes irortby to be de/Iroyed, Ezecb. 36. 1. We confeffe with Jacob, Gen. 3 2. r o. ThAt, weareunworthy ofthe /eftofGods mercies; that the leadPortion is more than we dcferve.The Prodigall being humbled, was contented with the lowell place in his fathers houle, to bee one of his Fathers houfiold frvants: and fo wee ought to be content with that Portion whichGodpath given us, be it never fo fmall, becaufeit is more than wedeserve ; and if we delire 1,