1Aemediya&ainft Col'etoufrze desire or feeke for more, this defire lis fìnne- full. Secondly, as we ought not to feeke wealth more than is our due;fo weought not to feeke it by unlawfull triunes; not by vfory,gaming, oppreflìon, fraud, deceipt, or any other un- law full meanes. i addethis ofgaming,becaufe it is unlawfull(though it be little considered :) for it is nomeanes that God hath appointed or fanecified for to get money; becaufe it is neither a gift nor a bargaine. I difpute not now; whether playing for trifles,to put life in- to the game be lawful l,but ofgamingwith an intent to get and gaine money or wealth ; this I fay is an unlawful! meanes, and fuchas have gottenmoney by thefe unlawfull meanes, are bound to reflitution. Thirdly, when the end ofour reeking after money is wrong, thenour.affeétionis finfull; as ifwee feeke it onely for its tíclfe, that wee maybe rich; or to bellow it onour !Lifts. If wemake this our end,to bellow it onour lull, andnot on necelfaries onely, not contenting our felves with fo much as fhall ferve our turnes; ifwee feeke it thus,wee feeke it ir,ex- ' ceffelie that defirs, money for a journey,de- fires no more than will ferve to defray the coils and expences inhis journey ; fo ifa man delires money for any other end,hedelresas much as will ferve him for that purpofe4 and ao more. So inother things : hee that is ficke, delires 33