Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

34 7temedyagatnft Covetottfneffe, dcfres as much Phyfickeaswill cure hisn,and nomore : fowee ought tod tireas much as will ferve our neceíhsies, and no more. But ifwedetirc it for ambition, pleafures, or any other by-rcfpet,this clefre is finful and inor- dinate. Lafily,it is inordinate, when as we feeke it ina wrongminner, which confìfteth in there g. particulars. Fit it, wti,rn as wee feeke it outoflove unto it;and this manner of feeking it, is fpirituall adultery. lames 4.4 Tee Adulterers andAdul- tereffes, knowyee not that thefriend/bip of the world, 4 an enmity with God, andwhofoever is afriendoftheworld, is an enemy to God ? Ifwee be in h)ve with it for its ownebeauty, it is ful- fill!, iris fpirituall adultery, 2; Secondly, when as we feeke it to trufl in it; when as wethinks we (hall be theCater for it, and make it our thong Tower. Yet hee that Riches /hall fall, Prov. it.28. And therefore, ifwehave food and raiment we Night therewith tobe contented, i .Tiru.6.8. And not to turfinvneertaine riches. Thirdly, when as wee are high minded and thinke our felves the better men for our wealth;when as it makes us looke bigger than wedid; as commonly thofe that are richdoe; therefore z Tim.6. 17. Paul bids Timothy, Charge theft that are rich in this world, that they henot highminded. Fourthly,