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"Remedy a&ainft. Co)etoufnef e. 35 Fourthly,when as we feeke it toglory in it; 4. as David, hee would number the people. to gloryand trutt in them : this is finfu l; For he thatglorieth, mußgloryin the Lordnot in them: I Ctir.I. 3.r. Fiftly, when as we feeke it with toomuch 5. harle and eagernef'fe, when as all our dayesare forrotves,our travefigriefe, andour hearts takeno refs' in the night. ,Ecclef. 2.2 3. Whenas wee feeke it, not fl':aying Gods leifure ; fuch a de- fire is inordinate, importunate, and finfull : therefore,I Tirn.6.9.lo.Thofè that willbe rich, ( that is,fuchwhomake too muchhail:e tobee rich,) faliinto temptation andafnare; and into manyflog); and hurtful lues which dron'ne men in perdition and def{rramion, andpierce them throughwithmany fàrrowese But now you will object, that riches are Qyg. bleffings;anddemand of mewhether you may not defite riches as they areble ffìngs ? I anfwcr,. that it is true, that they are blef-. Pings, and the rewardof thefeareof GOD. Prev. 22.4. By humility and thefare of the Lord, arc Riches and Honour. Therefore it is Laid of David, that Hee diedfullofRiches. 4- brahams fervant reckoned them as a. bief fïng. Gen.24. 35. The Lord bathblcefd myMa- fier greatly an he is became great, andbeebath givenhim Fl,ckes, and Heards, and Silver, and Gold, and MenJervants, andMaid-fervants, andCamels and Ayes: Jacob counted them as bieff ngs, I Ebreò29.2 8