3 6 AVntedyagain; Covetoufne e. hidings, Gen. 32. ro. And Ghrif hirn- felfe faith, Tbat it is more blefed to lead tban to borrow, to give tits to receive ; may wee not thendelre them ? To anfwer this, yeemutt know, thatthere is a twofold will anddelre. Firfl, a remifrewill, which is rather an inclina- tion thana will. Secondly, there is a peremp- tory will, which is mature ripeand peremp- tory : with this latter will weemay not deCre them,but with the former wemay ; for in the i Tim.6.8. Ifwehavefood (endrayment, let tai therewithbe content : Ifany man have a deCre tobe rich ; yet having food and rayment let him not fo delire more riches; but that bee maybe content with it; yea having, or having them nor, ye muff be content. Now there is a double content; the Eft is, as when aman is ficke (to expreffe it by a fimilitude) yet he may pray for health, and ufe meanes to get it with a full and perfeawill, yet with adepen- dingon Gods will : fowe being inwant may delire riches and wealth with a full will, fit- ting in thearcane time under Gods hand, and referring and fubmirtingour wills tohis will. Secondly, there is a content) whereby having fufficient for food and rayment wee fuffer not our wills atually to defirc more, nor to goe beyond the limits which God bath let us. God bath promifed outward bleffings as a reward ofhis fervice, and propound cth them to us,as fo many arguments and motives airre us up Acts 20.3 S.