Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

,1Remedy against C.vetoufneJJe. up to faare him and thereforewe may de- fire them as his blcffings, with fuch a re- mifl'e and fubordinate delre as this; when as we fet bounds and limits to the feaofour own' delires which are in thcmfelves turbulent and fubmit our felves wholly to Godswill. Chas,fl being to die had a will to live, yet not a full and refolute will, but a will fubordinate to Gods Will. FatberifthoW.milt,let this cuppafe 140461394 fromme, yet mot myWill but aim be dime: his will was but an inclination, and not a,will ; fo we may with riches with a.remiffe will and inclination, but not with a perfeawill ; that is , wee may not got about to Bet themwitha full delreand refolution. But how faire may a man delire wealth? Q e . Where. mull Let_ let .limits to his .dcfires r whererr ufh' reftrained? I anfwer, that bee maydelire foodand ray- 4/ menr,he maydehre that which is neceffaryfor faoa; nature,w,ithoutwhichhe cannot live& fubfift: as aman maydehre aChip topaffe over the fea, from onecountrey to another, becaufe hecan. not paffe over without it : foa man maydehre bodeand rayment in the leaof this ,life , be. caüfe without it bee cannot finifffehis courfe which.Col h tbprefcribed untohim,, . Nowthere is a threefold neceffitie. Firf, there is a ncce itie ofexpedienee,as ifa manhatha a journey to.goe, its true, bee . may gee it on fuete, yet he maydelreahorfe to 37