ft....1., 38 ARemedy agailift avetoufneffe. ride on, becofeit will be more expedient for him : foyou maydelire with a remiffe delire, fo much as isexpedient for your vocation and calling, fo muchas it requires. Secondly. there is aneeeffitie in refpeet of 2. your condition and place; as men in higher ranke andcalling neede more thanmen of an inferiour degree,to maintaine their placeand dignity; fo may they delire tohave more than they; foas they clef-ire nomore than will bee fufficient tomaintaine them in that ranke and degree wherein they are placed. Thirdly,there is aneceffitieofrefrethment, 3. andyou may delireas muchas isneedful! for your neceffarierefreihment, as muchas hofpi- talitie requires, fo that,you doenot goe be- yond it. And in there three refpeets, youmay defire God to give you as much as !ball bee expedient foryou, becaufe it is no more than naturerequires. Now beides this defireofthings neceffarie, there is a delireoffuperfluitieandexceffe:this delire proceedsnot from nature but from lufl; becaufe we defire fuch adegreeofwealth, ei- ther to raife our eftates, or that we maybe- llow it on our lulls and pleafures; that like the rich Glutton, Luke, i 6. we may6ewelldadand faredelicionh every do, Many mens lives are nothing elfebut playing and eating, eating and playing, and are led alwayes in this cir. cuit : To &fire wealth to this or any other fuper