Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

7emedy against Covetoufnefe. _39 fuperfluous end is very finfull, and it mutt needs be fo for many reafons. Firft, becaufe mans life Hands not inabun- Rea ox. t. dance and exce ífe : thereLuke, 12.1 3,1 4i IS. verfes. Whenas a certaine manpaketo ebr f topeake to his brother todivide the inheritance with him: he faidunto?n, Man who made mee a fudge or de -viderover you ; and then bids . the multitude to beware of covete fnef ; be- car f that e mans life confsfleth notin the abun- dance ofthe things that bepof"e/feth That is, though yee havenever fo muchwealth,yet ye íhall not live the longer for it ; your lifecon rifts not in it,nomore doth your comfort: for they will but pleafe the fight of your eye, they will not makeyou more happier than you are ; feeke not therefore fuperfluitie, for your life confifts not inabundance: He is but a foulé , that thinkes that thefe things will make himhappy, that thefe will make him rich all they that are not rich in God, are L :.274 poore; and if they thinke themfelves happy and rich in thefe things,they are but foolcs. Secondly, the defireof fuperfluitie is fin- full, becaufe it proceeds from anevil'roore the fruit cannot bee good that proceedeth 3 from an evil! andbitter roote but this defìre proceeds from fuch a route ; That is, from luft;it comesnot from Gods fpirit ,whichbid. dethevery man to be ccnrent withfoodand ray- a Tim.6.34 men; : Nor yet from nature, which feekes not fuperflu,