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40 7temedyagainf Coyetoufiefe: fuperfluities; therefore proceeding from lull it muftneedsbe finfull. Thirdly, what yee may not pray for, that yemaynotdelire to feckeafter : but we may not pray for fuperfluities. 'Prov.30. 8. Give meneitherPoverty norRiehes, feedmewith f od convenient me,nor with fuperfluities : And in theLords Prayer we,are taught grotto pray for fuperfluities, but,Givevs thisdayoardaily bread, that is, as much as is neceffarie for us, an no more : therefore wemay not defire The Peeking of more than is necefarydoth kinder us, and not further us ; a flhooe that is toobig,dothhindera traveller, as well asone that is too little. Fourthly, it is dangerous,forit doth cboake the word, and drowne men in perdition: therefore it is "turf Prayer, Prov. 30.8.9. Give meneither poverty norriches,feedme with foodconvenientfor me; leaf, frsll L6e and deny thee, andfay, Who isthe Lord ? Fulnefl'e and exccti is alwayesdangerous: full tables doe caufe furfeits, full cups makea thongbraise giddy. The ftrongeft Saints bathbeene fha- ken with profperity and exceffe as David, Flezekiah , :Salomon; they finned by reafon of excefï'e in outward things. -It is dange- rous tobee rich, therefore it is Davids coon -: fell, Pfd. 62. io. if riches increafe, fee uot'; your hearts upon them. A richmancannot enter into the Kingdome of Heaven: It is eater for a Carrell itiat.6.IIY. 314p.r0.23: 4,25,