Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

A Remedy agaitilt CQvetoufne f je. 41 Garrett togee through the eye ofa needle, than for him to enter intoJIeacn; For ifa man be rich, it is a thoufand toone, but that bee trufl:eth in hi; riches, and it is impotliiblc that licewho trnfteth inhis Riches, fhouldenter intoheaven, Lacey, todefire fuperfluitymuff needs bee tiufull, becaufe wee have an expreffe com- mand to the contrary. i Tim. 6.8. 1fwee have food anal raiment, let vs therenvitbbecon- tent. This is the bound that God heath fet us, we nnufl notgoe beyond it. If it were lawfull for any man to defire and bave abundance, l then it were law full for Kings ; yet God hath 1 fet limits to them. Deut;;7, 17. lice fhall not multiply Hods nor Wives to himflfe, that his heart turnenot awsy:neitherHiatt hegreatlymul- tiply to himflfcftver andgold, that bis heart be notlifted up above his brethren: God hath fee us downe limits and bounds how farrewee fhoulld goc, therefore to paffebeyond them is finfull but we pa(fe beyond them, when as we defire fuperfiuity, thereforethe defire of fuperfluity is finiull. But maynot a manufe his calling to increafe his wealth:' I anfwcr, that the end ofmens callings is not to gather riches, ifmen make this their end, it is a wrongend ; but the end of our calling is to ferveGod and man. The groundofwhich is this. Every man is a member of the Corn- n wealth, every manbath force gifts or©- D they, 5