4z 4 Aemedy againfl Covetoufhe e. ther, which tnufl not lie idle: everyman -bath !bale Talents, and rnu1 ufe then to his: Ma- tiers advantage; and how can that be,.except hee doe good to men e Every one is a Ser- vant to ChriO, and mull doe Gods worke:. no man is free; everyone is Chris fervant, and muft bee diligent to ferve Chriff, and to doe good tomen. Ne that bath an tiffice muß be diligent in it, and attend on it : every man mu ft attendhis calling, andJleediligent in If riches come in by our cailint, that is the. wages; not the end °fourcalling, for it looks- onely to God : WeCITItla not make gaine the end Ofour callings; there areman-y that make gaine theirgOdlineffe,and the endoftheir Fro- fefrions : 'S0171e preach -onely for gaine: others. nie all other callings- onely for gaine: but if any man wil make gaine the endof hiscalling, though he may conceale and hidelaisend from men, yet let him be fare that bee fhall anfwer God, the fearcher of thehearts for it : on the other fide, ifaman by diligence in hiscalling have Riches following him, hee may take them as a bleffing- of God -befloi,e4 onhim, and as a reward ofhis cAing. The di- ligent handmaketh rich 5 that is,G o D will hit-e- ll/ rewardkit. not that we mull eye riches and make them-our end Go D mkes a man rich, and man makes btenfelfe rich. God makes ns, rich, by 'being 'diligent in our callings; ufisg them-to his glory and mansgoOd,hodotiacaft richesi, RonailZ.G. 7.8e Rom-i6.18. Pro.1o.4.2 Projo.22. ..