A `.Remedy againfi Covetoufne f fe. 4; richeson us : Man makes himfelfe rich, when as he apes riches the endofhis calling, and dòth not expéet them as a reward that comes 'from God. I í1g11 expreffe it by Jacob. 1ac©b he fcrves Laban faithfully, and God bided himfe hat hec did gram rick: bee went not out ofhis Cor.,,,paffe and Sphcare, bee tooke the wages that was given him , and becaufe Gods end was to makehim rich , God enri- ched him by hiswages, as a rewardofhis fer- vice.'rhemore diligent a man is in his calling the more fincere and upright, themore God doth bleffc him, and increafc his riches, God makes menrich, when its bee gives them riches withal/4' forrorxes,., and troubles when as they come in with eafe, without expe6ation and d if-quiet : Mara makes him felfe rich, when as there isgreat trouble in getting,keeping, and enjoying them:when as heufeth his calling to get riches, or when as lee ufeth unlaw.full rrreanes.Themethod that Godufeth to inrich men, is this; lie firff bids usfeeke the kingdom of heaven, and the riShtesufneJ/e thereof, and then thefe ,things [hail bee admnifreduntola as wages : we mu ii looke to our duty, and let God alone to provide and pay us our wages , he that takes a fervanr,bids him onely to looke to his duty, and let him alone toprovidehim meare, drink:: andwages. Weare all but fer- vants, God isour Maarer, let us looke to our duty, and leave thewages whim. D2 But Gen,3®,¢3. Prs.zoïizm Mat.ß.33