Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

44 4 R,einedy againft Cowtatifile Bat whether may nota man take care toget wealth ? Is npt a man to take care for his e. late, to increafe it and fit ir I anfwer, bee may lawfully take care of it, obferving the right rules in doing it which are thefe. Firft hee muft not goe out ofhis compatic, but walke withinhis ownepale: he mint not ftepout ofhis owne calling intoother mens; and in his owne calling bee muff not trouble himfelfe with fo much bufineffeas may hin- der him in his privatefervice untoGä: ifbee doth fill hirnfelfe with too much bufinefte in I his owne calling, or ftep intoother callings, this is finfull and inordinate. Ifaman in his owne calling, fill himfelfe with Co much bufi. neffe that hee cannot intend the things of fal- uation, that flee is fo much tired with them that he bath no fpare time to fearch his owne heart, and doe the particular dutiesneceffiry to falvation, he then failes in this, and limes in his calling. Secondly, his endmat not be amiffe, bee 2a mutt not aimeat riches. Abraham was Note and fo was hicek, yet God made them rich. and mighty : they were diligent in their cal- lings,andcodbrought in wealth.GodLalls not a man tonull in hitnfelfe, tomake riches his aime and end, to leek exceffe,fuperfluitie,and aboundance;to live delicioufly, to fatisfie his lulls and pleafures; Our aime muff bee Gods tt. Anfw.