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A Aernedy agginfi CoTetoufneffe. Gods glory and the publique good , and then G O D will caf.1 riches upon us as our wages. Thirdly, let it bearight care,and not an in- ordinate care : There is an inordinate care whichchoakes the Word; yee may know whe- ther your care be fuch a care or not, by thefe three figues. Firfi, if yebe troubled in the bufineffi you goe about, which trouble confifteth either in &fire, fcare, or griefe : when as eitherwe de. fire fuch a. blaring exceedingly, or feare that we (ball not have it ; or grieve much for the loffe of ir. Secondly, when as wee fcarethat weeflail not bringour enterprifes topaffe,or attaine to that whichwe delire. Thirdly, when as we are troubledat ir, if it bee not accomplifhed, and grieve when as wee fore-fee any thing that may prevent it : Care being arigtt, lets head and hand a vvorke, but the affe6tions arecalme andright, there is no tumult orturbulency in them, the iffue of all being left toGod. But when isa man a covetous man ? I anfwer,thatthen aman is a covetous man, whenhehatErdefiresarifingwithinhirn,which arccontrary to the former rules,and he!vas them not;or elk refit's them foweakely and feebly, that he gets noground ofthem : bee fees no reafon why bee fhoulel refill them, D3 and fiata3,22, I. 2 '3 Qt_iejt